Pune-based Cosmos Bank loses Rs 94 crore in cyber hack

Pune-based Cosmos Bank loses Rs 94 crore in cyber hack


Cosmos Co-operative bank hacked by attackers   and millions of rupees get stolen . Hackers infiltrated into bank's system and  siphoned approx 100 crores from cosmos pool account.

According to complain stated onAugust 11, "unidentified hackers stole information of the bank visa and Rupay card within the country with 2,849 transactions" said an officer from chatushrungi police .

The officer said "on August 13 the hackers transferred RS 13.64 crore to Hong Kong  based bank by initiating swift transaction of Cosmos bank . The bank has lost 94 crores in two days .

Hackers cloned several thousands cards of different account holder of the cosmos bank and saved off the reported amount .




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