27–28 July 2018 — Total Lunar Eclipse And Its effect

27–28 July 2018 — Total Lunar Eclipse And Its effect  

The World is passing through a serious crisis due to the planetary position in the universe.
The upcoming lunar eclipse on 27th of July occurred after the solar Eclipse and again there would be a solar Eclipse after this Lunar Eclipse, Now this very Phenomenon reminds us the period of

Apart from this Retrograde Mars in Capricorn with Ketu and which is accepted by Rahu along with Sun and Mercury in Cancer points that there would be incidence of fire, Natural Disasters like Earthquake, Floods, apart from a big chance of destructive war.

In My Personal Opinion This planter position will create a sense of distrust among the people at large.

Politicians all over the world try for their own well being and neglect the aspirations of the common people political parties will try to create violence in the society giving rise to anarchy. Of course our nation (India) will be least affected by this evil effects.

However Natural calamities may occur in the Northern part of India though it will be controlled shortly.

Because this Country most people believe in god and almighty always help those who love him.

Most Important :  

However such a special lunar eclipse will not be so in the near future  the total lunar eclipse can only be seen in 2018, and the super-sunset will be next in 2033


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